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Donkeys are really amazing animals.  They are very smart and work very hard.  Their milk used to be used to feed babies. They have been helping people for over 4500 years!  They are also known to be stubborn which might be why I like them so much! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Rainbows – do you know the colors that are in a rainbow?  Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.  They almost seem like magic, don’t they? Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Octopus love

Did you know that octopuses have three hearts?!?!  We love hearts.  Octopus means 8 feet – octo is 8 and pus is foot in Greek. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Pelican fishing

So, I’m pretty sure which of these two are going to catch more fish!  I think it is so cool how pelicans scoop up gallons of water mixed with fish into their bill – then tilt their head back, spill out the water, and swallow the fish. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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We’ve got Sophie and Sadie – and we’ve got the barn – but where are the animals??? Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Dove of Peace

The world could really use a bit of peace settling down on it right now.  I think that Sadie is hoping this dove will land right on her arm. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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American Gothic – our way!

American Gothic is a famous painting by Grant Wood. It’s probably one of the most recognized and parodied paintings right after the Mona Lisa.  In honor of the American 4th of July this year, Sophie and Sadie decided to get dressed up and pretend to be the painting.  I think they do pretty well!  A fun fact about this painting is that it is actually depicting a father and daughter.  I’ve always assumed it was a husband and wife.  You […]

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Hugging Sheep

Whenever I see sheep or pictures of sheep, I just want to hug them.  I haven’t had the opportunity to do that yet.  My guess is it’s actually a bit sheepy smelly and probably not quite as soft as in my imagination.  I’ll let you know when it happens!  In the meantime, Sophie is living my dream! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Lamb time!

There is something totally adorable about lambs – so soft and unsteady on their feet.  Sadie’s making friends with the lamb in this coloring page while the daddy sheep (ram) looks on. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Sunshine and Flowers

We are pretty happy that it seems to be spring for good where we’re living!  Flowers popping up, sunshine shining down – we’re dancing. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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