Sprinkler fun

Running through the sprinkler has to be one of the funnest things about summer! This type of sprinkler was invented because people wanted green grass – and so it needed to be watered. Now there are much more water saving ways to keep your grass green…but lucky for Sophie and Sadie they still have one that makes water in the shape of a fan! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start […]

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All seeds are ready to come to life – they just need water! They don’t even need dirt to start off with. Sometimes we plant seeds directly into the ground – and sometimes we start them off in a little bit of dirt until they have sprouted into a seedling and are strong enough to grow on their own in the garden. Once the seed has started to grow – with a little stem and maybe some baby leaves – we […]

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Adding dirt to the garden

Making a garden can be hard work! Today Sophie is adding dirt to the raised bed that she and Sadie built. We usually think of dirt as….dirty. And it can be dirty! But it is also full of healthy, living organisms and worms and bugs – and it even cleans water by taking out any bad things! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Building raised bed

Sophie and Sadie are building something called a raised bed for the plants. Putting seeds or plants in the ground and covering them with the dirt is a little bit like putting them in bed! Sadie is using a hammer to push the nail that Sophie is holding into the wood to keep the pieces together. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Buying Seeds for the Garden

It’s almost summer! and that means it’s time to start the garden. Actually, we probably should have started a few weeks ago, but better late than never! Sophie and Sadie are trying to decide which seeds to buy. What are your favorite vegetables? Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Starry Night with Cactus

I don’t know about you – but I think Sophie and I have the same idea….that sure does look like Sadie in the Starry Night! Just like Van Gogh’s famous painting called Starry Night – this one has parts that are a little different that they actually look in real life. That’s why Van Gogh belonged to the art school called post-impressionism. Can you see the moon and the stars and maybe even the wind?! Click on the image below, […]

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Museum map

After all of the art that they’ve seen, Sophie and Sadie have finally found the map of the museum. I wonder what they are looking for?! What do you think? Aren’t maps cool? I especially like figuring out what the different symbols mean. In this map there are symbols for stairs, escalator, elevator, bathroom, information, gift shop, pay, coat rack, bathroom, and snack bar. Can you find them all? Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, […]

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Yves Klein Blue

Some painters use brushes to paint – some use other things like turkey basters or wooden sticks. Yves Klein used people! And he loved the color blue so much that he designed a shade of blue that he named after himself! He would put paint on his models and then pull them around the canvas or have them lie down on the canvas – like a living paint brush! Sophie seems to be having fun sliding around on the paint! […]

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Whistler’s Mother or is it?

Well, I kind of think it looks a bit more like Sadie than Whistler’s Mom, but it’s a close call! James Abbott McNeill Whistler is most famous for this portrait of his mom (which is actually called Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1). The story is that the model who was supposed to come cancelled…and his mom agreed to model in her place. When the painting was first displayed nobody liked it! It was very simple and really different from […]

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Drip Painting and Jackson Pollack

Looks like Sophie and Sadie are trying to make a painting like Jackson Pollack – who was famous for his Drip Painting style. He liked having his painting canvas on the floor or on a wall, and a lot of his paintings are very big. He would ‘drip’ the paint onto the canvas with brushes or sticks or even turkey basters! Drip painters were part of the Abstract Expressionist movement. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring […]

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