
Time for breakfast!  Sophie is pouring Sadie cereal.  I have to point out that not everyone eats cereal for breakfast.  Some people eat it as a snack as well!  I actually don’t eat cereal for breakfast, but I’m always amazed by how many different kinds of cereal there are at the store! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Springy horse

I’m not sure what this is called, either – but I always liked playing on them, especially the ones with a loose spring and you almost felt like you were going to touch the ground. Sophie is riding the horse, or maybe it’s a donkey. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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See Saw

See Saw, Teeter totter – whatever you call it, that’s what the girls are doing this week.  Looks like fun to me! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Kite flying

Some of us are in the cold and snow, but for Sophie and Sadie it’s usually warm weather and fun.  This week they are flying kites – or Sophie is flying a kite and it seems as if Sadie is just telling her what to do! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Reading together

I love reading and I’m glad that Sophie and Sadie do too!  They really like that I’ve published a few books that they are in so you can have them in full color at your own house.  I’m not sure which one they are reading this week – what do you think? Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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It looks like Sophie has a ball and Sadie wants them to play together.  Sharing can be hard!  It can also be much more fun than holding on to the ball all alone.  What do you think Sophie will do? Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Got it!

Well, it looks like Sophie was able to get down the swim tube last week and now she just has to find her bathing suit and the two friends can go swimming. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Can’t reach!

Sometimes things are stored up high – which can be a bit tricky when you want to go swimming and the swim tube is high up on the dresser.  Do you think Sophie can reach? Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Okay, I don’t know what these are called.  I think they look like tons of fun and then I get on them and my head spins faster than the contraption and that is not a good thing! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Flowers for you

With Thanksgiving coming up, this seemed like a good week for flowers for you – or for you to give to someone you love.  We are thankful to you for enjoying our coloring pages and being our friend! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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