American Gothic – our way!

American Gothic is a famous painting by Grant Wood. It’s probably one of the most recognized and parodied paintings right after the Mona Lisa.  In honor of the American 4th of July this year, Sophie and Sadie decided to get dressed up and pretend to be the painting.  I think they do pretty well!  A fun fact about this painting is that it is actually depicting a father and daughter.  I’ve always assumed it was a husband and wife.  You […]

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Kid Goat

Who can resist baby anythings?  Sophie seems pretty happy to be carrying around this baby goat – and the kid seems pretty relaxed! Probably one of the only calm moments in this goats life – they are very curious into everything animals. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Goats in Trees

I was visiting a friend on her farm recently and her goats got out of their pen. It was such a fun sight (for me at least) to watch them dancing around the tree eating the leaves that I had to draw them.  They really are a bit naughty! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Hugging Sheep

Whenever I see sheep or pictures of sheep, I just want to hug them.  I haven’t had the opportunity to do that yet.  My guess is it’s actually a bit sheepy smelly and probably not quite as soft as in my imagination.  I’ll let you know when it happens!  In the meantime, Sophie is living my dream! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Lamb time!

There is something totally adorable about lambs – so soft and unsteady on their feet.  Sadie’s making friends with the lamb in this coloring page while the daddy sheep (ram) looks on. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Painting Sheep

We’ve got a bit of a sheep thing around our house.  Not a bad drawing of a sheep – don’t you think!? Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Walk like a Penguin

Who hasn’t ever tried to walk like a penguin?  I think it’s one of the funniest feelings – and Sophie’s trying it out in this coloring page.  Can you imagine having wings and not being able to fly? Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Monkey and Banana

Who doesn’t like monkeys?  I can’t imagine.  This one seems to be a super friendly monkey, sharing his bananas with Sophie and Sadie!  I thought that all monkeys had thumbs – turns out many do, but not all.  But they all peel their bananas and throw away the skin just like we do! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Who doesn’t love elephants?  One of my favorite books growing up was Babar the Elephant looking very regal in his outfits and going off on adventures.  I was so fortunate to see elephants out in the wild in South Africa.  The reason I know that elephants can pick up a tree with their trunk and pull it out by its roots is I actually saw it happen.  The elephant was slowly walking by a tree, wrapped its trunk around it […]

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Sunshine and Flowers

We are pretty happy that it seems to be spring for good where we’re living!  Flowers popping up, sunshine shining down – we’re dancing. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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