Happy 2018!

Heading into 2018, we’re going to be working on other projects and take a break from the coloring pages – well, Rachel is and it looks like Sophie and Sadie are checking out what she’s working on next! There are almost 6 years of coloring pages, so you can keep yourself busy going through the archives. They’ll also be posted regularly on Facebook, so follow us on Facebook by clicking here. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, […]

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Home Sweet Home

Sophie and Sadie are back from their tour of the US National Parks! It’s a great feeling to be home after a big adventure! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Voyageurs National Park

Our National Parks tour is almost over! This week Sophie and Sadie are at Voyageurs National Park in northern Minnesota. The way to get to this park is by water – on a kayak or canoe or boat! Moose are in the same family as deer – but much much bigger. Their shoulders are a high as an adults head – and that’s not even counting their antlers (which are also called paddles). The word ‘moose’ means twig eater in […]

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Badlands National Park

We’re almost done with our National Parks tour – stopping in Badlands National Park before the snow starts. Sophie and Sadie found the cabin that Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States and the president who started the National Parks system, lived in when he spent time in North Dakota. Most of North Dakota is a prairie, or meadow, full of long grasses that smell really wonderful. And there are places where the prairie suddenly ends and the […]

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We’ve got a friend who’s having a birthday – sending out a big cake! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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It’s Thanksgiving in the US next week and that means we are seeing a lot of cornucopias (also called Horn of Plenty) in gifts and decorations. But cornucopias were being used long before anyone had heard about Thanksgiving – the Ancient Greeks were the first we know of who made cornucopias to show off their harvest of food and flowers. Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Yellowstone National Park

Wow – geysers are amazing! Kind of like volcanoes, but with water spurting up out of the earth. There are only a few place in the world where the conditions are just right for geysers – they need a place where water can hit super hot rocks under the earth’s surface heating up the water and making lots of steam and energy. The other thing that is needed is cracks in the earth’s surface for all that steam and energy […]

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Crater Lake National Park

Can you imagine a volcano erupting so strongly that it’s whole top blows off and falls down?! That’s what happened to Mt Mazama in Oregon. And then it slowly got filled with rain water (it took 740 years!) and now it is the deepest lake in North America and one of the deepest lakes in the world! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Pumpkin time!

Sophie and Sadie are wandering through a pumpkin patch – just in time for Halloween! There are lots of different kinds of pumpkins – some are better for eating and some are better for carving. They are native to North America, but now they are grown on every continent except for Antarctica! Click on the image below, or click here, to open the coloring page, then download, print, and start coloring!

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Redwood National Park

Redwood trees have been around since the days of the dinosaurs! Although none of them are that old, there are some that are several thousand years old. They can grow as tall as a 30 story building and can be as wide as 4 adults standing in line with their arms stretched way out to the side. Sophie’s arms are just stretching over a little part of this Redwood! Even the bark is big – it can be a foot thick! […]

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